Uninstall your NoPass™ macOS desktop app

If you don't plan to use the NoPass™ app on your macOS computer, you can easily uninstall it from the Launchpad or the Finder. To do so, perform the following steps.

Uninstalling NoPass™ from the Launchpad


1. On your macOS computer, open the Launchpad.

2. From the list of your apps, select NoPass™.

3. Press and hold the Option key, or click and hold the NoPass™ app until the apps jiggle.

4. Click the Delete  button  next to the app.

5. In the following notification window, click Delete to confirm. 


: if your macOS computer is protected with a password and / Touch ID, you will be required to apply the respective options before deleting the NoPass™ app.

Uninstalling NoPass™ from the Finder


: After uninstalling NoPass™ from the Finder, all user data (created accounts, history of your actions, etc) from the application still remain in your macOS database. So, when you reinstall the NoPass™ app from the App Store, these data shall be integrated into the application. To remove the NoPass™ user data from your macOS database, perform the procedure described in the Removing the Nopass™ user data  section below.

1. On your macOS computer, open the Finder.

2. Select the NoPass™ app from the Applications tab.

3. To delete the NoPass™ app,  perform one of the following actions:

  • Right-click the NoPass™ app and select Move to Bin from the drop-down list.

  • Press Command+Delete on your keyboard.

4. To delete the NoPass™ app permanently, go to the Bin.

5. Right-click the NoPass™ app in the Bin. From the drop-down list, select one of the following options:

  • to restore the app, click Put back.

  • To delete the app, click Delete Immediately. Then, click Delete in the following dialogue box.

  • To remove everything from the Bin, click Empty Bin. Then, click Empty Bin in the following dialogue box.

Removing the Nopass™ user data

To delete all user data from your macOS database, perform the following steps.


1. Right-click the Finder and select Go to Folder.

2. Enter ~/Library in the search box and click Go.

3. In the Library menu, select Containers>NoPass.

4. In the NoPass tab, select Data.

5. Right-click Data and select Move to Trash.

6. Now, your user data are permanently deleted from the macOS database.













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